Monday, May 15, 2006

Tough (nice) weekend

Great weather all weekend but I've discovered muscles I didn't know I had. Bob and I spent almost the whole weekend in the yard, weeding, digging, planting, and trimming. Wait a minute, I forgot... Bob went golfing on Saturday and was gone almost ALL day. He showed up at around 4:00 in the afternoon and needless to say I was a bit snippy with him when he got home. He washed my car (trying to suck up I'm sure) and mowed the lawn, then took me for a ride in the convertible with the top down (the car's, not mine in case you were wondering) to the XXX drive in. After eating a fabulous grilled chicken sandwich (and fries.. shouldn't have eaten them but they were to-die-for) we walked over to the parking lot next door where they were holding an antique car show. Bob was in heaven.

Mother's Day was nice. Bob rototilled my garden beds (still trying to suck up) and I planted tons of annuals (lobelia, marigolds, nicotiana, petunias, pansies, alysum, cosmos, and impatiens). I went overboard at our church plant sale. Son and daughter were here with their respective girlfriend/boyfriend. We barbequed and ate out on the newly washed deck furniture under the sun umbrella. One thing about the Seattle area, we get day after day of grey skies and rain, but when the sun finally comes out it is fabulously gorgeous. Everything is green, the lakes very blue, and snowtopped mountains to the east and west. Winter blahs are done, for a few months anyway.

I volunteer to sew a quilt top every year for our confirmands at church so I barracaded myself in my craft/sewing room on Saturday night with the portable DVD player and watched The Last of the Mohicans while I sewed 140 six-inch squares together. Didn't quite finish the quilt but at midnight I was exhausted so I quit. And the movie wore me out too. Wow, it was emotionally intense! Loved it. Glad I bought it so I can watch it again and again. Kristie, you were right! I kept thinking about Ride the Fire through the whole movie. And that scene under the waterfall *sigh*.

After all that I managed to read some more of Delicious by Susan Mallery on Sunday evening and I'm really enjoying it. But I fell asleep after reading only a few chapters. It wasn't the book, it was me, I was worn out.


ReneeW said...

Thanks, Keishon! Yes, I love working in the yard. It really gives me a sense of satisfaction. Somewhere around July all my hard work pays off with beds full of flowers. Right now all I have to show for it is dirty broken fingernails and an aching back. But my reward is coming!

Tara Marie said...

It sounds like a nice but hard working weekend. It rained off and on all weekend here. Now that my allergies have calmed down, I'm going to try to get some gardening in this week.

I hated "digging, trimming, weeding" as a kid and can add raking and mowing to that lovely list, but as a "grown-up" I love flowers and that makes the rest of the work tolerable.

Kristie (J) said...

OK - I am SO not a gardener so I kinda skimmed the gardening part but YES!!!! to the movie! Isn't it grand - just grand. And what a great soundtrack. And now you know why I spent 3 hours trying to get the damned DVD player working so I could get the 5 second waterfall scene quote. And you bought it even. Ahhhhh

Sybil - are you reading this? You just gotta see this movie.

Kristie (J) said...

Oooohhh Ohhhh and what about the scene on the roof top. Siiiggghhh

ReneeW said...

Tara: I think my green thumb is genetic. When I was a kid my mom used to pay me to weed her flower beds and I enjoyed it :). Plus my grandpa had a wonderful humungus (sp?) garden, I loved to 'help' him with.

Kristie: Yes, many sigh-worthy scenes. Thanks for pushing me into it ;)

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, you and Bob drove to a XXX drive in while entertaining thoughts of pulling your top down? How am I the only one who commented on this?

(J/K on the top down part. But still, you just glossed over the XXX part...)

ReneeW said...

Jay, nothing gets past you *bg*. You're the only one who caught my very subtle joke. Too subtle.

Wow, I haven't touched my blog in over 6 years and I'm still logged in!  Good thing because I have no idea what my password is.  In ...