Thursday, May 03, 2007

Odds and ends

Life has been getting away from me lately so I haven't been blogging lately. I've been swept up in wedding plans for Daughter and I'm happy to report she has decided on a date and place for the wedding. It's going to be July of 2008 and will be an outdoor wedding at Springhill Farms in Auburn. It's spectacularly beautiful and their pictures on their website don't do it justice.

Can you imagine an outdoor wedding in Seattle? For those of you who don't know, we get rain here and it's very unpredictable. The third week in July is historically the driest time of the year, but last year we had rain. So you can't count on dry weather. But this place she found has a contingency plan with tents that they can quickly set up in case of rain.

Daughter's future MIL is contributing quite a bit of money for the wedding and with our contribution it should be a nice, but not extravagant wedding. Now I just need to lose 20 lbs. before next July. *sigh*

Work sucks. We had a major reorganization and it's total chaos and several people have quit. It was our VP's dumbass idea and it's a disaster. I'd like to quit but I'm to lazy to look around. One of the developers pissed me off yesterday and I had to take a walk around the building before I could reply calmly to his email. I politely told him he was full of crap. And my manager backed me up.

I had a couple crowns worked on today and my gums are SORE. Don't you hate the dentist? Well, mine is a nice guy but I still hate it.

Reading now: I was in a bit of a reading slump for a while but I just started Games of Command by Linnea Sinclair. I'm only on page 25 and struggling a little with the world building. Too many strange names and places and organizations, but I'm figuring it out slowly and I'm liking it. I just looked .... 525 pages! It's going to take me a while to finish this one. What is everyone else reading?


Rosie said...

Weather is always a bummer to have to worry about, but the spot your daughter chose looks beautiful.

CindyS said...

Yes, very nice place to have a wedding and we'll all do the 'Sun Dance' for that week in July. You'll have to give us all a week's notice ;)

Sorry that work is sucking again. That is one high stress job you have there!

I have Games of Command coming to me soon so I'm hoping you like it so that I know I'll like it too ;)


Jennie said...

Hang on with GoC--I struggled with all the world-building too and was confused in a couple places, but I still loved it. :)

ReneeW said...

Rosie: She chose a beautiful spot. I like Cindy's idea. I'll let everyone know when to start the Sun Dance.

Cindy: I've read a bit further and I'm enjoying it. Love the hero.

Jennie: Yes, it was a little confusing and slowed me down, but I'm get the hang of it and am moving along faster.

Wow, I haven't touched my blog in over 6 years and I'm still logged in!  Good thing because I have no idea what my password is.  In ...