Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Marcelli Bride by Susan Mallery

After seeing AAR's good review and enjoying Delicious a few weeks ago, I wanted to try this book. It's a continuation of the Marcelli Sisters series featuring the children of Marco Marcelli. I read the first book in the series, The Sparkling One, and it was a B read but I never got around to the next two. This book tells Joe's story. Joe is the son Marco and Colleen Marcelli gave up for adoption when they were just teenagers. His adopted parents died and he ended up in foster care until adulthood when he joined the Navy and ended up as a SEAL. Somehow he was reunited with his biological parents before this story began (maybe in a previous book which I missed). He is still very bitter and resentful towards his 'real' family and he keeps them at arm's length while they are desperately trying to show him they love him and want him as part of the family. He's not buying it though.

Darcy Jensen is the President's daughter and after a kidnapping attempt the Secret Service need to stash her someplace safe. Through some kind of connection (which I never really got) they decide that she will hide out with a team of SS agents at the Marcelli winery. Do you buy that? Well, I didn't... When Joe's SEAL team screws up, he gets assigned to head the team of SS agents at his family's winery as some sort of punishment. Weirder and weirder...

The plot was totally implausible and while that has never stopped me from enjoying a book (eg. Janzen's Crazy series) additional problems with the H/H kept me from liking this book at all. Joe was distant and angry and never convinced me that he was attracted to Darcy let alone fell in love with her. Except for his anger and resentment he was pretty much emotionless. Darcy was a bit better but I didn't like her much. The sex scene which the family overheard on the intercom made me uncomfortable. And there was no emotion in any of the sex scenes. There were lots of quirky characters but I just didn't care about the whole family. Blah! There are four sisters all together and I have only read one of their stories, but I have no interest in reading the rest of the series. Mia (the last sister) will have her story in an upcoming book but unless somebody in blogland convinces me otherwise, I'm not wasting my money.

My grade: C-


nath said...

hello Renée :D
Joe was reunited with his family in The Seductive One which tells the story of Brianna and Nick. (think that's her name) By the way, Mia story doesn't sound very good ^^;

Tara Marie said...

What I really disliked about this one was the family's expectation that he should just get over being adopted and be one of the family. The grandfather was down right obnoxious. Ack, I could say more, but it would include spoilers.

ReneeW said...

Nath: I read the preview of Mia's story at the end and you are right. I am not tempted to look for this one.

Tara: Exactly! I kept thinking they were expecting way too much. The whole group should have gone into family counseling. Or done a bunch more talking and airing of feelings.

Kristie (J) said...

I thought this was a let down after the other ones in the series too. I gave it a C+. I also have no intention of reading the next one. The premise sounds too far fetched - I really don't like books about faux royalty. I'll keep reading the other series she has going even though I didn't enjoy Irresistable as much as Delicious, but then the next one is about the ex-baseball player brother who is full of himself so it might be fun to see him get taken down a peg or two.
I figure I've enjoyed enough books by her that even though one doesn't thrill me, I trust her enough to keep buying her.

Anonymous said...

agh. I bought this book. Seduced by the cheap price at Simon Says.

ReneeW said...

Kristie: This book was definitely a letdown after I enjoyed Delicious. I think I'll try Irresistible too. She'll hit or miss with me.

Jane: Cheap book prices always get to me too.

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