Wow, I haven't touched my blog in over 6 years and I'm still logged in! Good thing because I have no idea what my password is. In those 6 years alot has happened. I have 3 granddaughters, age 5, 3, and 7 months. My husband of 40 years retired last year. We moved to be closer to my daughter (and all those granddaughters). I volunteer at the Friends of the Library (where else!) and loving it. I babysit (too much sometimes) but I love that those cute little girls come running, screaming "Grammy!" I know that someday when they turn into teeny boppers they won't be that thrilled, but I appreciated it now. Our new house has a BIG yard and when (and if) the rain stops I'll be spending a lot of time outdoors. We want to do some traveling, but other than a road trip down the California coast last year, we haven't done much. Too much time was spent finding and buying a house, listing and selling our house and packing and purging 29 years of junk and junky furniture. It was exhausting. We'll get to the fun stuff soon.
I still read over 100 books a year, but I have thrown in a few mysteries and chicklit to go with my favorite romances. Maybe I'll try to write a book review once in a while just for fun. I miss all my blogging friends but we've all (mostly) moved on to other social media ways to tell others about books. I see some of my favorite bloggers on Goodreads and enjoy following them and their reading.
Reading now: The Coincidence of Coconut Cake
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